North Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life of the region’s citizens, by enhancing public safety, protecting regional resources, promoting economic development, and providing technical services to local governments.
Council Programs
Economic Development
Economic Modeling
Economic Strategy
Tourism Promotion
Local Government Services
Community Planning
Community Development
Hazardous Waste
Regional Planning
Review Activities
Strategic Regional Policy Plan
Transportation Disadvantaged
Para-transit services for elderly, disabled, and low-income persons

About the Council
The Council is an association of 26 units of general purpose local government created in 1969. Member local governments include 12 counties and 14 of the municipalities in the region. Two-thirds of the members are appointed by member local governments with the remainder appointed by the Governor.
The Council, in partnership with economic development organizations and local governments, promotes regional strategies, partnerships and solutions to strengthen the economic competitiveness and quality of life of the 12 counties and 40 incorporated municipalities in the north central Florida region.
About the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization
The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for the Gainesville Urbanized Area is responsible for the continuing, comprehensive and cooperative transportation planning program for the Gainesville Metropolitan Area. This planning program is required in order to receive federal and state funds for highway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian transportation projects. The Council provides staff services to the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization to assist it in the implementation of its transportation planning program.