Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization

The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for the Gainesville Urbanized Area is responsible for the continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning program for the Gainesville Metropolitan Area.  This planning program is required in order to receive federal and state funds for highway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian transportation projects.

Long-Range Transportation Plan

The Long-Range Transportation Plan is a long-range 25-year transportation plan for the Gainesville Metropolitan Area.  The Plan identifies major modifications to the transportation system which will be needed in the future to address projected patterns and volumes of traffic.  The Plan is updated every five years.

The Transportation Improvement Program is a staged implementation program of transportation projects in the Gainesville Metropolitan Area consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with adopted local government comprehensive plans.  Projects are programmed for a five-year period. 

The List of Priority Projects is a list of recommended transportation priorities or projects in the Gainesville Metropolitan Area that are needed, but not currently funded.  This information is used by the Florida Department of Transportation to develop its Five-Year Work Program. 

In addition to public input, the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for the Gainesville Urbanized Area also receives recommendations from three committees – the Technical Advisory Committee, the Citizens Advisory Committee, and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board.

Citizens Advisory
Advisory Board
Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board
Title VI
Complaint Form
Trans Disadvantaged
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