Local Government Services
The Local Government Assistance Program of the Council consists of technical assistance to local governments in comprehensive planning and community development.
Comprehensive Planning
In response to the requirements of Florida community planning legislation, the Council places an emphasis on comprehensive planning assistance for local governments. The Council assists the region’s counties and cities in complying with the requirements of the Community Planning Act.
On-going comprehensive planning assistance is provided to local governments to assist with interpretations of comprehensive plans and land development regulations, preparation of concurrency management assessments, preparation of comprehensive plan and land development regulation amendments.

Community Development Block Grants
The Council assists local governments in assessing their community development needs. These assessments address the need for housing rehabilitation, commercial revitalization, economic development, and neighborhood revitalization. These community development needs assessments result in the Council assisting local governments with the preparation of Community Development Block Grant applications.
The Council also provides administrative assistance on community development projects for counties and municipalities.